
The true peace of God begins at any point 1,000 miles from the nearest land.      - Joseph Conrad


Star of the Sea

Our Lady Star of the Sea – Stella Maris – is the Patroness of the men who sail the seas.  St. Bonaventure reminds us that she also "guides to a landfall in heaven those who navigate the sea of this world in the ship of innocence or penance . . . "

For centuries sailors have sought the protection of the Blessed Virgin under the mantle of Stella Maris, i.e. Our Lady Star of the Sea.  

The first prayer ever said to the Blessed Virgin in our land was the prayer of the Christian Norsemen who came to Vinland in 1002.  The most popular prayer at that time was “Ave Maris Stella" (Hail Star of the Sea).  

Image from the Apostleship of the Sea - Italy

Prayer of Thanksgiving in the Autumn

 O, Mary, Star of the Sea, Mother of God, we present ourselves in Thy sight in all humility to thank Thee for Thy maternal protection.  We who are in constant danger from the perils of storms and flooding humbly thank Thee for Thy loving protection, which Thou hast shown our entire area these past years.  We offer this through Jesus Christ, Your only Son who lives and reigns with one God forever and ever. 


Prayer to Our Lady in the Spring 

Star of the Sea, Great Mother of God and Our Mother, you know all the dangers of soul and body that threaten seamen, protect your sons who sail the seas, and protect also their families that await their return.  Star of the Sea, Mother of the Church, give light and strength to those priests and laymen who bring the love of your Divine Son among seamen.  Fill their hearts with a supernatural and life-giving zeal for the apostolate.  Star of the Sea, light shining in the darkness, be a guide to those who sail amid the storms and dangers of life.  Stir up in their midst the hearts of ardent apostles and bring us all to the safety of heaven’s port.  Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on all those who sail the seas.  O, Star of the Sea, help and protect us from the danger of hurricanes and floods and all perils of nature.  Amen


The Confraternity of Our Lady Star of the Sea in Morgan City, LA, was established by Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux on August 22, 1979.  On December 22, 1979, His Holiness Pope John Paul II officially gave his apostolic blessing upon all the member of the Confraternity of Our Lady Star of the Sea.

Those wishing to obtain further information concerning membership, books on our Lady Star of the Sea, medals, statues, etc. write:

The Confraternity of Our Lady Star of the Sea
Central Headquarters
PO Box 609
Morgan City, LA  70381



 Hail, bright star of ocean,
God’s own Mother blest,
Ever sinless Virgin,
Gate of heavenly rest,
Taking that sweet Ave,
Which from Gabriel came,
Peace confirm within us,
Changing Eva’s name,
Break the captive’s fetters,
Light on blindness pure,
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore,
Show thyself a Mother,
May the Word divine
Born for us thine Infant,
Hear our prayers through thine.
Virgin all excelling,
Mildest of the mild,
Freed from guilt preserve us,
Meek and undefiled.
Keep our life all spotless,
Make our way secure,
Till we find in Jesus,
Joy forevermore.
Through the highest heaven
To the almighty Three,
Father, Son, and Spirit,
One same glory be.

Medjugorje Garbandal Fatima Guadalupe Lourdes


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